A full-day canyoning adventure !
75,00 € per person
Required age : 12
Duration : 4-5 hrs
5' d'approche + 4h de descente + 40' de retour
Real time availability. SSL secure CC payment.
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Jump right in!
This is a very aquatic canyon where you will be following the course of the river in many different ways: walking, LOTS of jumps (up to 9m, all optional), swimming, abseiling, passage through a whirlpool and a small slide. It’s beautiful day out in a wild and green valley, equivalent to 6 hours of hiking.
The little ‘extra’ at GEO - canyoning shoes + neoprene socks from size 26 to 52!
LOSS OF CAMERA: See our Terms & Conditions
Risky activity: consult our recommendations carefully.
Vous avez RDV sur le parking au Col de la Croix de Bauzon (D19) 07380 BORNE; là vous retrouvez notre guide et devrez le suivre avec votre véhicule jusqu’au canyon (environ 5mn de route). Ou GPS: 44.6350826 / 4.0973975 ou 44° 38’ 6.297 N / 4° 5’ 50.63 E
Tapez sur Google maps: PARKING BORNE
TRIPADVISOR : Attestation d'excellence - CLIQUEZ ICI